NYSDA Publications

NIH Issues Monthly Newsletter

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has issued its monthly newsletter highlighting masks to combat the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), watching your health risks, and dealing with balance issues (among other topics).  You can read the NIH monthly newsletter below.

Check out the November 2021 issue of NIH News in Health, the monthly newsletter bringing you practical health news and tips based on the latest NIH research.  Download a PDF version for printing.


Illustration a person doing rehabilitation exercises with a physical therapist

Dealing With Dizziness

Getting Help for a Balance Disorder

Balance problems can make you feel like you’re moving, spinning, or floating.  Find out what may be causing you to feel off-balance.


Illustration of a man wearing a mask

Face Masks and COVID-19

Protecting Yourself and Others

Face masks protect against COVID-19 for a few reasons.  Learn how they help keep you and your family safe.

Online extra: Dr. Adriaan Bax on Wearing Masks While Speaking