NYSDA Publications

NPHL Issues Three New Resources on Public Health Issues

The Network for Public Health Law (NPHL) has issued three new resources on public health law issues: 1) the NPHL novel coronavirus [COVID-19] 2020 Impact Report; 2) the award winning report on the inadequacy of the pandemic public health infrastructure in the United States; and 3) a round-up of the latest public health news.  To read the NPHL COVID-19 2020 Impact Report, use the first link below.  To read the NPHL report on the inadequacy of the pandemic public health infrastructure in the United States, use the second link below.  To read the NPHL round-up of the latest public health news, use the last link below.
https://www.networkforphl.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/2020-Network-Impact-Report.pdf?blm_aid=26004  (NPHL COVID-19 2020 Impact Report)
https://www.kff.org/coronavirus-covid-19/press-release/khn-and-associated-press-investigation-of-inadequate-u-s-public-health-infrastructure-during-the-pandemic-wins-top-journalism-award-from-the-american-association-for-the-advancement-of-science/?blm_aid=26004  (NPHL report on inadequacy of pandemic public health infrastructure in the United States)
https://www.networkforphl.org/news-insights/public-health-law-news-roundup-november-2020/?blm_aid=26004  (NPHL round-up of public health news)